Let’s join to build
Our planet needs at least three to six times more in climate investment to keep global warming under 2°C by 2030. Results Based Climate Finance (RBCF) can be the bridge that closes the climate finance gap to ensure the sustenance of our planet. RBCF engages available capital in efficient ways to achieve exponential climate impact at the speed and scale necessary for our planet.
The Outcomes eXchange (OX) is an RBCF platform catalyzing funding for an inclusive range of outcome-focused initiatives across sectors and organizations in the green transition. Its over-the-counter market design & technology infrastructure democratizes access to finance for public good and increases affordability and capital efficiency by matching Buyers (capital providers) & Sellers (outcome producers) via mutual consent.
OX was designed and is led by Green Artha with the support of REConnect Energy and WWF India through the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) India’s Climate and Environment Action Lab.
Buyer Seller Journey
Outcome Exchange